Postvention – Support After Suicide Loss

As we transition out of Suicide Prevention Month (September), this seemed like a timely article worth sharing.

“Veterans have a significantly higher suicide rate than other adults in the U.S. This means Veterans are also more likely to have known someone who took their own life. Uniting for Suicide Postvention (USPV) helps make sense of a suicide loss. The program connects survivors with resources to help them work through powerful and unique emotions specific to this type of grief.”

“Suicide *pre*vention aims to avert incident, while **post**vention fosters healing afterward, for those touched by the loss. With tens of thousands of suicides every year in the U.S., coping with the aftermath is an unfortunate reality for more people than some might think.”

Read the full article on PostVention and what the VA has to offer for this type of support on the VA Blog