We depend on our community to share their stories. It can be tough to talk about ourselves, but we need you to try. Tell us all about that fundraiser last weekend, including how much you raised and who helped out. Show us some pictures of the local youth competition that your group sponsored, and brag about how successful they were. Brag about the recent awards your organization recently received or, better yet, gave out.
Whatever it is, as long as it is related to Veterans in North Central Washington, this is the place for it.
And you don’t have to write the story yourself – if you were featured in the local paper, we can share that as well. Direct web links to the articles are preferred, but a clear photo of the printed article can also work. Social media posts are great, too – just include the link.
Use the form to submit the details, and we’ll have it posted on the News page within a week.
** Editor reserves the right to modify any submitted content.