Can you believe this website started 4 years ago?! Neither can I!
It’s certainly come a long way from the humble beginnings. Not only did I not have a lot of connections with the many regional resources yet, but I was also still somewhat new to developing websites with WordPress. Through the years working on this site as well as numerous sites for other clients, I’ve learned a lot about usability, features, administration, and sustainability. I’ve tried out a lot of different tools along the way, but I think I’ve settled on the right ones for this site moving forward.
In honor of this anniversary, I decided this would be a good time to introduce some major (and hopefully more permanent) changes and updates to the site. Our Resource Directory is now a lot more searchable, user-friendly, and better integrated. Events are directly connected to the Resources who host them. And coming next year, Resource contacts will be able to claim and manage their listings on the site.
Check out the handy new search function and popular categories on the top of the homepage (top row is Resources, bottom row is Events):
And the inner Resource pages now feature a full-height, interactive map on the right side that updates when you filter by location, category, or search term:
The News Feed page got a new, more compact look, as well:
Take a look around and please let me know what you think. If you have any issues finding information, or anything is unclear, or you see some strange errors, please bring it up. I’m moving from the “work on it behind the scenes” mode into “crowd-source the testing and content review” stage. Extra eyes will help spot issues or inconsistencies, and Resource listings could always use a review for content accuracy.
There’s still a lot to work on and fine-tune, but I’m pretty happy with the results so far. I hope you get more and better use out of this site moving forward. Thank you for the support and patience during this transition time.