Manson Legion Celebrates Veterans Day

In an effort to make sure their community properly recognizes, honors, and remembers its veterans, American Legion Post 108 in Manson was involved in a number of events for Veterans Day 2020.

Color guard members of American Legion Post 108 and VFW Post 6853

“On Sunday – November 8th the Manson American Legion, Post 108 and the Chelan VFW, Post 6853 held a pre-Veterans Day celebration at North Shore Bible Church. At the start of Sunday service Norm Manly talked about why it is important that we honor our veterans who have served in the armed forces. He highlighted the number of men and women killed, wounded or missing from war. He also recognized those who have committed suicide due to the horrors of war. He then read a poem from Clive Sander titled “Unless You’ve Been a Soldier”.

The order was given to “Bring the Colors”. Brian Strausbaugh and Carole Hansen from the American Legion and Butch Sims, Henry Munneke and Steve Palmbush from the Chelan VFW marched the flags forward as Whitney Pittman sang “God Bless American”. Finally, the order was given to “Post Colors”. [Video posted to Facebook]

The event was well received and there were tears shed for our veterans. We thank Pastor Craig Rayment and the staff at North Shore Bible Church for hosting this event.”


But wait, there’s more!

“Manson’s Veterans Day celebration was held on November 11 at 11:00 in North Shore Bible Church’s parking lot. A big thank you goes out to Pastor Craig Rayment and his staff for making the space available and setting up a stage and providing the sound system. Attendees watched the ceremony from the safety of their cars, or use chairs provided observing social distancing. The weather Gods were with us. It was cold but no snow, rain or wind.

Vice Commodore Brian Strausbaugh opened the celebration by welcoming one hundred patriotic souls in attendance. Post Chaplain, John Swenson offered an opening prayer followed by readings from Legion members Carole Hanson, Norm Manly, Dana Starkweather and Don Webb. Additional Legion member in attendance were Commander Clyde McCullough and Lee Johnson. Throughout the event the Lake Chelan Patriotic Singers, under the direction of Steve Davis, led the crowd with wonderful patriotic songs; a cappella.

Our guest speaker, Yvonne Walker, Manson School District Superintendent, stirred us with inspiring words. In the past 17 years Ms. Walker has spoken to students, at assemblies, on every Veterans Day. She figures she has reached over 100,000 students with her messages of love for country, respect for our veterans and volunteerism. She received a huge round of applause and many kind words after the event.”

More photos on the American Legion Post 108 Facebook page
Stories and photos submitted by Norm Manly, Post Service Officer