VFW Post 24 Presents Essay Awards

Grant County VFW George Washington Post 24 presented essay awards to students at Quincy Valley School on Feb 20th. Pictured is Bridget L. Jones (middle school) accepting 2nd place for the Patriot Pen essay – theme “What Makes America Great,” 400 word limit. First place for Patriot Pen went to Clairese Snyder (home schooled).

Elementary youth theme: “How I Would Encourage Respect to the Flag of the United States”, 250 word limit. Grade 3: Emma DeTray, 1st place; Braxton Basset, 2nd place; and Jody Gardner, 3rd place. Grade 4: Anna Lopez, 1st place; Celeste Sliger, 2nd place; and Isaac Manning, 3rd place. Grade 5: Braiden Snyder (home schooled), 1st place; Melody Lopez, 2nd place; and Elizabella Perez, 3rd place. Special mention: Braiden Snyder, Grade 5, also won 2nd place at the District level.


Above is a picture taken at Chief Moses Middle School during Grant County VFW, George Washington Post 24’s presentation of awards for their annual Patriot Pen essay contest. This year’s theme: “What Makes America Great” is a 300-400 word essay. Center picture, middle row is Brianna Garcia (gray sweater) awarded 3rd place at the Post level.

Remaining participants are: Adeline Fife, Alleeann Mayberry, Ty Hunter, Megan Latham, Paytan Andrews, Mayah Puhlman, Collin Carter, Andrew Claassen, Anna Badgley, Allen Yang, Ambar Salas and Evan Bader. Participants not in picture were Landon Blodgett and Mitzianna Espino. Teacher Rita Fryberger, photographer, has been supportive in our endeavor for several years.


Submitted by Paulette Rivera, Post 24 Auxiliary President