“New” Old posts are coming

This site, and all I do with it, seems to always be in flux. Back in January, I had a renewed passion to improve the site, planning out new blog posts, sharing stories from local organizations, and generally fine-tuning my behind-the-scenes process. One day during a backup process I made a detrimental mistake and lost all of the previous work I had done in the blog section. All of the old Weekly Briefs, the snippets that had been submitted from you, it all disappeared from my site (thankfully some of it I still had stored on my hard drive).

I reminded myself that this site isn’t about the blog as much as it is about the searchable resource directory, and I was grateful I did not lose all of that work, too. So I decided I would focus on that first, then worry about rebuilding the blog at a later date.

Then the pandemic hit and our lives got flipped upside down. Over the course of the summer, I spend some time sick, then spent a lot of time in the garden, eventually more time at the computer as my freelance work steadily increased, and then a 2 month long site overhaul as I improved the Directory.

Now that the snow is falling (meaning the gardening is on hold a bit) and my routine for work has smoothed out (meaning I have a better idea of my spare time), I’m finally able to spend some energy on refilling the blog here on the website.

It’s taken some time, going back through previous issues of the Vets Gazette as well as my old emails, yet slowly but surely I’m getting closer to “caught up”. Since I’m back-dating a lot of these to when they would have been most relevant, you won’t see these new posts at the top of the page. You’ll have to scroll back/down a bit. I’ll also be posting links to some of the articles on Facebook as well.

Hopefully as you look back through the various stories, you’ll be inspired to share your own, or even an update to something already posted. Remember, I can’t be everywhere, but I want to gather information from all the corners of our region and put it in one location for easy access of everyone. You can help by sending any info my way.