American Legion National Commander, Paul E. Dillard, recently toured smaller posts in Eastern Washington. His roots being in the more rural areas, this was an important trip for him to make.
During this tour, Commander Dillard stopped and visited with a number of the Posts that are in the North Central Washington region.
On 01 Nov, he started in Reardon at Post 113 with a meet and greet. Next stop was Electric City at Post 157 where he met with 40+ members and local dignitaries including the mayors of the surrounding towns. There were also two 99 year old WWll veterans in attendance that he addressed directly. Commander Dillard then headed to Brewster and stopped to visit at Post 97.
After staying the night in Twisp, Commander Dillard had a morning meet and greet on 02 Nov at Methow Post 143. The Washington State District Commander Rick Sucee was in attendance, along with the Mayor of Twisp Soo Ing-Moody, The Chief of Police and Post Member Paul Budrow, and other members of the post. Commander Dillard then toured some more of the area, getting to see some of the fire-ravaged areas as they drove.
The next stop was in Okanogan at Post 56 where they met with 25 members and dignitaries. After more touring, they stopped in Oroville at Post 84 where they met with members there.
After spending the night in Omak, they traveled to Kettle Falls on 03 Nov for a meet and greet at Post 146. They continued on to Colville (Post 47) and Metaline Falls (Post 144). Commander Dillard completed his tour of Washington by visiting the Cusick Post 217, on 04 November.
Thank you to all post and community members who were able to come out and meet Commander Dillard during his tour, asking questions and making him feel comfortable. It was an honor to host National Leadership in our area!
If you were in attendance and want to share your thoughts, pictures, etc, please leave a comment below or send an email to with whatever you’d like to share.
American Legion National Commander Paul Dillard visits Post 97. American Legion National Commander Paul Dillard (R) with Post 143 Commander Keith Morden (L).