Legionnaire of the Year Awards 2020

Recipients of the American Legion’s annual Legionnaire of the Year award are chosen by their peers and are recognized for their outstanding leadership and service as a member of their post and community. Below are some of the Legionnaires from around our region who received this honor in 2020.

Post 108 – Brian Strausbaugh

Brian retired from the Navy in June 1975 after serving for 20 years. He was a Chief Petty Officer working in Aviation. Brian has been a member of the Manson American Legion for 23 years and has served as Vice Commodore for 10 years.

Brian is truly an outstanding individual and a great patriot. Over the years Brian has been the caretaker of the American Legion Park in downtown Manson. He mows the lawn, plants flower in spring and keeps the park looking shipshape. Brian maintains the service flags at the park and raises and lowers when needed. Brian is always there and ready to help with a positive attitude.

Post 10 – TJ Boteilho

T.J. is an Air Force Gulf War Veteran and is editor of our monthly news letter. T.J. was selected for his dedication and service as a member of our Post, recruiting members, and supporting our programs.

— Ralph Olson, Adjutant/Finance Office, American Legion Post 10